ProFractional Laser

Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Diego, CA

ProFractional is a resurfacing laser that rejuvenates the skin and stimulates collagen production. For patients looking for specific skin resurfacing using less heat than traditional methods, this advanced technology provides remarkable results for various skin concerns.

Under the guidance of two board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. John T. Alexander II and Dr. Jordan S. Kaplan, the practitioners at Alexus MD are well-equipped to perform many different aesthetic treatments. As a leading medspa in San Diego, we offer a large collection of procedure options for many different types of patients. 

To schedule your private consultation with us, call our office directly at (888) 463-9532 to start your journey toward beautiful skin. You may also fill out this contact form at your leisure and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

About the ProFractional Laser

ProFractional lasers can treat the following skin imperfections:

  • Uneven Pigmentation
  • Acne Scarring
  • Other Forms of Scarring
  • Unwanted Skin Texture
  • Mild Wrinkling and Fine Lines
  • Dull Skin Tone

Ablative vs. Non-Ablative Laser Treatment 

Lasers like ProFractional and many CO2 lasers are considered ablative. This describes their ability to damage and vaporize the epidermis and superficial dermis layers of the skin to cause resurfacing. Non-ablative lasers are gentler, leaving the skin intact. Both induce and increase the production of collagen and elastin fibers and contribute to full resurfacing of the skin.

Non-ablative laser treatments usually require more frequent sessions compared to ablative laser procedures. Depending on the patient’s needs and skin desires, this can lead to higher expenses and more frequent healing periods. For patients looking for more dramatic results, ablative lasers like ProFractional are usually preferable despite longer recovery periods. (1)

How Does ProFractional Work?

This innovative laser technology works by creating microchannels in the skin, stimulating the body’s natural healing response and promoting collagen production. ProFractional is an Erbium: YAG system, meaning it emits infrared light at a wavelength of 2940 nm. Water has an absorption peak of about 3000 nm, allowing the water within the skin to absorb the light. This induces two different processes to promote skin rejuvenation: (1) 

  • Vaporization
  • Thermal Injury

During this process, the vaporizing water also acts as protection for the surrounding tissues against thermal damage. This allows for measured thermal effects that can be applied to the same area of treatment more than once in a session with little chance of burning. Fractional lasers deliver safe and controlled damage to completely resurface skin in fewer treatments compared to other ablative lasers. (1)

ProFractional uses a narrow diameter to create channels of energy that target certain elements of the skin. Applying the light in fractionated patterns avoids damaging surrounding tissues, promoting uniform healing and smooth, even results after healing. The system allows the provider to choose the depth, pitch, and distance between the beams to customize each patient’s treatment. ProFractional also allows the provider to treat singular scars or imperfections without damaging the entirety of the surrounding tissue. (2)

Benefits of ProFractional Treatment

With ProFractional, there are no surgical incisions or extensive downtime required. This laser can provide:

  • Complete skin resurfacing
  • Targeted treatment for isolated lesions
  • Enhanced collagen production
  • Skin maintenance

The ProFractional system can be used on the neck, chest, hands, arms, and legs as well as the face. With various applications, ProFractional treatments can provide both specific resurfacing and total facial rejuvenation depending on the patient’s desires. The procedure can be repeated for more comprehensive results and greater collagen production over time.

Ideal Candidates

Individuals who may benefit from ProFractional laser treatment include those looking to improve the appearance of their skin through skin resurfacing and laser skin rejuvenation. ProFractional laser treatment is suitable for those with stubborn, pigmented lesions from acne, as well as general discoloration of the skin. It can also be utilized to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face. ProFractional lasers target signs of aging like sun spots, texture, and fine lines as well.

You must be in good overall health with no active ailment or skin condition that might flare up after the use of lasers. This treatment is not fit for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, as well as patients currently taking Accutane or similar acne medications. If you are prone to cold sores, please mention this during your consultation as some medications can help prevent reactivation.

Personal Consultation

Your provider will meet with you personally to discuss your treatment in detail. They will examine the treatment area closely, determining the best procedure plan to fit your specific needs. Come prepared with your complete medical history, including any prior treatments or skin resurfacing you have received. Provide any history of photodamage, sunscreen usage, and any indications of skin cancer, if applicable. This includes your family and personal history.

We will ask you about your skin, what your main concerns are, and what you are looking to achieve with ProFractional laser treatment. Your provider will spend some time during this appointment making sure ProFractional is the right laser treatment for you. A member of our team will assist you in scheduling your treatment at the end of this initial consultation.


To properly prepare for your ProFractional treatment, avoid any harsh topical products that contain substances like retinol leading up to and following your procedure. Cleanse the skin with a gentle soap and avoid makeup or heavy topical creams before you arrive at Alexus MD. 

If you are a smoker, cease the use of all tobacco and nicotine products for at least 4 weeks before your laser treatment. Refrain from taking NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin as these thin your blood. Your provider may ask you to avoid certain other medications as well, they will share this information with you during your first consultation

ProFractional Laser Procedure

Before the procedure starts, your provider will cleanse the skin and apply a topical numbing agent to help keep you comfortable. Once they have prepared your skin and provided protective eyewear, they apply the laser in predetermined segments. The system is custom-programmed to ensure the laser works on your specific areas of concern.

Depending on the patient, the duration of the treatment varies. If you have dark spots or lesions that require more passes to treat, your procedure length may be longer than someone receiving more simple resurfacing or skin maintenance treatment. Your provider will apply the laser to the skin in measured amounts until the preferred controlled damage is achieved.

At the end of the treatment session, they apply a topical cream and gauze to the treatment area immediately after the procedure is through to protect and moisten the skin. You are then free to go back home to start the recovery process.

Recovery & Results

Recovery varies from patient to patient and depends on their individualized treatment plan. If you receive full ablation to a large area, your skin will take longer to heal than someone who received treatment for a smaller surface area. The skin will be tender and sore for the first 4 or 6 days before the skin starts to regenerate. During this process, patients usually experience peeling throughout the treatment area. 

After about 1 week, the newly rejuvenated skin starts to replace the damaged cells, and collagen production increases over time. Some patients will require more than one treatment session to see the results they desire. We will assist you in scheduling follow-up appointments and secondary treatments after your procedure should they be necessary.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 

Alexus MD provides many different laser treatments, including other fractional options. If ProFractional is not the best choice, there are many other skin rejuvenation options.

Halo Fractional Laser Treatment

A hybrid laser treatment, Halo Fractional Laser combines ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to encourage resurfacing for many types of patients. This laser treatment is great for tackling pigmentation specifically, and much like ProFractional lasers, Halo is easily programmed and customizable to address each patient’s needs. The precise control over the depth and light intensity of Halo allows the provider to have complete freedom over each treatment.

How Much Does ProFractional Laser Treatment Cost in San Diego?

The total cost of your ProFractional treatment is determined by the patient’s individualized plan. Full resurfacing of the face may require more time but only one treatment, whereas concentrated application for a certain scar that is resistant to other types of treatment might require multiple at a higher intensity. We will carefully determine your treatment plan during your personal consultation. To contact us today, call our San Diego office at (888) 463-9532


What is the difference between ProFraction laser and CO2 laser treatments?

ProFractional uses the chemical element erbiumto cause ablation but does not emit as much heat as CO2 lasers. This leads to a more surface-level penetration of the skin, whereas CO2 lasers penetrate deeper into the dermis with more thermal energy during treatment. ProFractional lasers are usually better for skin resurfacing purposes and rejuvenation, rather than skin tightening. 

What skin types are suitable for ProFractional resurfacing?

ProFractional laser treatment is generally safe and effective for individuals of all skin types. However, certain factors, such as pregnancy, active skin infections, or a history of keloid scarring, may affect your eligibility for the procedure.

Can ProFractional laser treatment be combined with other procedures?

ProFractional Laser can be combined with other cosmetic procedures to enhance and maximize results. Some popular combinations include combining ProFractional with dermal fillers, Botox injections, or other laser treatments to address multiple signs of aging and achieve comprehensive rejuvenation.


  1. Yumeen S, Khan T. Laser Erbium-Yag Resurfacing. PubMed. Published 2020. Accessed January 12, 2024.
  2. Remington B, Calgary F, Koch C. PROFRACTIONAL TM for ACNE SCARRING. Accessed January 12, 2024.